Thursday, February 16, 2012

Canada's Long Gun Registry, finally circling the drain

I cannot tell you how ridiculous this whole thing was and has been.  If you want to see a perfect example of a government turning law-abiding citizens into criminals, it was (and still is) North of the border.  I had personal interactions with people that didn't want to pay to register something that was really just a family heirloom.  Now you're a potential criminal.  It was sad and ridiculous.  Now, some of that idea seems to be flushing along with the millions they sank into the project.  If you ever wonder what it would be like if Brady and NGVAC get their way, look at what gun-owners have to go through in Canada.


  1. was pretty ridiculous. law-abiding and tax-paying citizens paid for this monstrosity. but eventually we got the government to realize that it was stupid - the only people that registered their guns were law-abiding and tax-paying citizens. from what i hear, not a single rural person ever registered great granddaddy's guns. live and learn eh?

    your friend,

    1. You're exactly right. I was trying to find all of the stories about the criminals lining up to register, but I couldn't.

    2. nope...seems the criminals were too smart to register their criminal weapons...jeesh eh? anyway, we here in canada are happy that the registry with all of its information is not something we, nor our gov., want to keep. good stuff indeed.

      your friend,

    3. Keep fighting. Who knows, one day they may let you have some cool tools. :)

  2. It is getting better in general, but there is a long way to go up there. They still require tactical storage condition butterscotch in Canada.

  3. It's about time they put an end to this silly mess. Good for the conservative Canadians.

    1. I agree. I was pleasantly surprised by the push since politically "conservative" in Canada isn't the same as the US. Good for them.
