Sunday, January 6, 2013

But guns can't do good things

Especially when law-abiding citizens possess them.  I mean, it's just not possible.  I'm sure anti's would rather that we played "what if" and hoped that the repeat felon would just say, "oh, sorry" and leave.  Because that's what happens.

A Georgia mother protects her and her children using a .38 revolver.  Note that she hit him at close range 5 out of 6 shots and he was able to leave, get in his vehicle and end up in the hospital.  Thank goodness it gave her the time she needed to get away.  Wait, why would you ever need more than 10 rounds?  Oh yes, because bad people exist and they don't stop when you want them to stop unless you make them.


  1. Yep, there ARE people high on (insert drug here), who WILL take a lot of rounds to take down...

    1. you're right about that, too NFO. I've read some pretty hairy stories about that kind of thing.

  2. I saw that story and had to laugh of course you have to admit you would be pretty lucky to survive 5 shots in the head with a 38 special.

    1. I was thinking the same, Duke. Luckily, it took the fight out of him.

  3. Replies
    1. I do too, Agirl. I enjoy when bad guys get owned by good people.

  4. When you are being attacked by someone who has broken into your home, or by coyotes on your farm, guns do VERY good things.

    1. I agree, Jane. Our group of hunters usually carry ARs in .308 or .223 for hunting or for protection if it isn't the primary. Not to mention the ones in the house for the two-legged predators. It's a fact of life most legislators can't understand.
