Sunday, October 2, 2011

NOT smart

Accidental shooting waiting to happen, get yours now!

I can't even remember what I was searching for when I found this.  Lately, I've been wondering if companies even run things by focus groups anymore.  Like the Pomegranate Green Tea I got yesterday.  My first thought (after spitting and gagging) was: "Has anyone ever tasted this before?"  I mean you think you'd have a few people try it first.  Then there is the above little gadget.  Maybe one person in the group like me that would unapologetically say "You're a moron"?  No one?  Anyone?


  1. The term "Football Bat" comes to mind when I see that picture.

  2. What idiot indeed would whip this out in a crowd. Now, you want to see how fast I can clear leather, pull this sucker on me.

  3. You are kidding right?!?! Holy crap!

  4. I wonder if that is approved on airline flights.....just wondering.

  5. DaddyBear - my thoughts exactly

    Stephen - exactly the first thing I said to the wife

    TJ - Yep

    Keads - I swear, this is out there for sale. I wish I were joking.

    Duke - TSA would probably be just fine with this as long as it isn't a breast prosthesis for a cancer patient or a colostomy bag on a child. They seem more concerned with those things.

    All - notice, this has a laser and a light on it. Yay, realism! Boo, brain cells! I think this falls right in line with the rifle umbrella in the top items I would not EVER use.

  6. I know what you are getting for Christmas this year!

  7. Well, if I did, I'd definitely do a post after the range report. Of course, that's after I picked up all the little pieces.

  8. Just a manifestation of Darwin?

  9. I think you hit that one on the head, Mike.
